What kinds of Mask should You use As cities and states start reopening stores, restaurants, and other public accommodations, the use of masks will increase. Some wear masks to protect themselves and others. In contrast, some wear them only in response to government orders or mandates from individual businesses. With several options on offer, from […]
Many products disappeared from shelves at the beginning of the pandemic. The reason for the toilet paper run remains a mystery. Hand sanitizer, one of the best methods for combating COVID-19, remains challenging to locate. We will provide recommendations for purchasing this important substance (although you may have to pay for it in toilet paper). […]
Effective Use of Face Masks In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and as cities and states reopen, many governments and businesses require face masks on anyone in public or stores. The world now sees itself embracing the use of these masks in public to help flatten the curve of COVID-19 infections and prevent a strong […]
Children likely will not take, or cannot take, the necessary steps to protect themselves in the face of a public health emergency. Stress from significant disruptions to their lives from the shelter-in-place orders and other side effects of COVID-19 could cause a variety of problems for your kids. You should still strive to afford your […]